Support us while you shop

Make easy and free donations as you shop with over 7,000 brands through EasyFundraising. These donations are made on your behalf by the business you have bought products or services from.

Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into FREE donations when you use them to shop with over 7,500 brands such as eBay, John Lewis & Partners, Argos, ASOS and

Brands then make a small donation to say ‘thank you’ and easyfundraising gives those free funds to the cause.

Please register using the link below, and once you've raised your first £5, easyfundraising will double it! 

There’s no catch or hidden charges and Volunteer Centre Sutton will be really grateful for your donations!

  1. Sign Up with EasyFundraising: Visit the EasyFundraising website and sign up for a free account. You can do this by entering your email and creating a password. Follow this link to take you straight to Volunteer Centre Sutton as your chosen cause. Click here...​  
  2. Shop Online: Explore the list of retailers on EasyFundraising. When you're ready to shop, click on your preferred store through the EasyFundraising website. This step activates a donation from the retailer to Volunteer Centre Sutton.​ You can also download a browser extenstion which will show a pop-up reminder when you shop on certain sites.
  3. Make a Purchase: Complete your purchase as you normally would on the retailer's website. EasyFundraising will track your purchase and ensure a percentage of your spending is donated to our cause.​
  4. Donation Confirmation: After your purchase, EasyFundraising will send you a confirmation email detailing the donation amount generated from your shopping.