Annual Organisations' Survey

Calling all organisations, we want to hear your thoughts. We're now three quarters through the year and are starting to plan our free organisational support for 2024 and need your input.

Do you work in the volunteering or communications team of an organisation that we support? Are you a volunteer coordinator or manager? Have you had any correspondence with Natasha Blok? We have put together a short questionnaire to get your vital views to shape our services for you. 

Organisations feedback 6x4

We feel now is the right time, following nine Volunteer Coordinators' Forums, our Sutton Volunteer Showcase and lots of 1:1 meetings, ongoing organisation support and training, to take stock and see what's working and what could be better, and get your thoughts to create next year's plans.

We really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this and give us valuable feedback, THANK YOU! 

Click this link to take part please

We are asking to have the survey completed by the end of October so we can plan for 2024.

Any questions or issues with the questionnaire, please contact Natasha.