MAPS Mentoring: Sam’s story

Sam was isolated when he started at secondary school, making him highly susceptible to exploitation and grooming.

Sam was initially referred to MAPS Mentoring due to challenges with behaviour both at home and school. Sam faced a multitude of issues, including violent outbursts leading to conflicts with peers and siblings, as well as property damage. These challenges resulted in broader consequences, affecting his anger management, behavioural regulation, and self-esteem.

The transition to secondary school further isolated him from his established support network, rendering him highly susceptible to exploitation and grooming. Concerns were raised regarding Sam's friendship choices and their potential negative impact on his decision-making.

Sam was referred to MAPS Mentoring to be matched with support of a one-to-one volunteer adult role model. Upon being paired with Maria, the connection between Sam and his mentor was almost instantaneous. During their Matching Meeting, Sam candidly inquired about the consequences of his potential anger, to which Maria responded by proposing a proactive approach. She suggested they agree on a method for Sam to communicate if he ever felt overwhelmed or angry, preventing situations from escalating.

Three months into their year-long journey, Sam and Maria are already enjoying their time together and building a strong bond. Sam has started opening up about his experiences of antisocial behaviour among his peers. This process has allowed him to reflect on his own decision-making and its impact on himself and his family. Although the future remains uncertain for Sam, his newfound ability to question the world around him is a testament to the safe space Maria has created, gradually reducing his vulnerability to exploitation.

Interested in volunteering with MAPS Mentoring? Please give us your details here and one of the team will be in touch soon.