Latest News and Stories from Volunteer Centre Sutton

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As we wrap up the year and head into the Christmas party, the Young Commissioners are rightfully proud of what has been achieved this year. The latter half has brought a particularly creative focus, helping to bring a sense of kindness and collaboration to our community.

The latest Sutton Youth Board in December 2024 focused on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. It was great to see new faces there and new voices being heard on this important topic and an apt one to finish the year with after our launch of “Celebrating Sutton’s Diversity”.

Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve been able to deliver thoughtful gifts and gestures to those who need them most.

Young Commissioners kick off post-half-term session with a new Jack Petchey Award winner, updates on the vaping campaign and extra community events.

A group of teenagers from our local Hong Konger community joined our Ukrainian Teenagers Saturday Club for fun, games, snacks and bonding over their experiences of moving to Sutton.

Several members of the local Hong Kong community, along with some of our Young Commissioners, joined the Beddington Park Big Autumn Clean Up in October, organised by the Friends of Beddington Park and the Rotary Club of Carshalton Park.

Our annual gathering for young people aged 11-25 years old was a bustling spectacular. We were blown away to have over 400 registrations and over 220 people checked in on the day!

To help improve community safety by challenging intolerance and encouraging inclusion, Volunteer Centre Sutton and the Young Commissioners have developed a fun pocket guide and a vinyl window sticker for you to use.

Register now for the 2024 Sutton Youth Summit, a drop in space to connect with other young people and celebrate Sutton’s diversity together to reduce violent crime, as part of World Inclusion Day and World Mental Health Day all in Black History month. 

For this month’s volunteer story, we asked one of our Young Commissioners who you may recognise from our homepage, to share a bit more of her story and how anyone can volunteer and make a difference, even if feeling a little nervous at the start.

One of our Young Commissioners, Aratrika, has made an extremely generous donation to kickstart our fundraising to buy Christmas and birthday gifts for Sutton Befrienders clients.

Professionals and young people meet to discuss challenges on safety and solutions.

Erin wins the 3rd Jack Petchey Award! Young Commissioners celebrate with an escape room adventure, bonding and teamwork. Thanks to the Jack Petchey Foundation for your support!

Group members and befriending pairs enjoy a lovely afternoon at YourspaceSutton

The Volunteer Coordinators’ Forum is as much about networking and supporting one another as it is about learning new skills and tips from one another. We love meeting together informally and supporting Sutton Soup at the same time, this time with Sutton Befrienders pitching.

Take our survey by Thursday 15th August and help the Young Commissioners learn more about what makes Sutton diverse, how we can help everyone feel better included and and how we can celebrate our diversity.

Young Commissioners explored wellbeing through art and nature, learning about Sutton’s "Landscape Artist of the Year" competition and practicing the "5 Ways to Wellbeing" during stressful exam season.

Over 70 people attended a community picnic at Hill House on Saturday 22nd June where we warmly welcomed families from the Ukraine, Hong Kong and Afghanistan communities in Sutton.

Huge congratulations to our Jack Petchey Award winners - We are grateful to Jack Petchey Foundation for their support and are sad to hear of his passing.

The Young Commissioners meeting every fortnight in term-time to help make a difference in Sutton. In their latest session, we arranged for local community artists, Team Imagineers, to do a short workshop so the young people could share some ideas for what to include in the new massive mural being made in Sutton.

Young Commissioners toured Oru Space, explored their upcoming community garden, brainstormed ideas for its development, and enjoyed a relaxing community meditation class to de-stress during exam season.

As Volunteer Centre Sutton is one of the Mayor of Sutton’s two chosen charities for 2023-2024, the Young Commissioners co-created an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Saturday as a fun fundraising activity.

Tackling the challenges faced by young people’s mental health.

Two of our Young Commissioners were invited to be part of a panel and to discuss how the Council budget is supporting young people's priorities of the cost of living, safety, inequalities and mental health.

In partnership with Sutton Council, Volunteer Centre Sutton is supporting an awareness campaign for Child Exploitation Awareness Week 18-22 March 2024.

The Sutton Youth Summit, held on Thursday 16th November 2023, was a resounding success, drawing over 80 young people and 20 adults from the community.

Our Young Commissioners were given the opportunity to speak to Paul Scully, MP for Sutton and Cheam, Parliamentary Minister for London and Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Tech and the Digital Economy).

Get ready for the Sutton Youth Summit 2023: cost of living, safety, inequalities, mental health.

As they prepare to enter university, we say goodbye and good luck to three of our remarkable Young Commissioners: Sudipta, Ela, and Anusha.

The Young Commissioners were delighted to be invited to the Mayor's Parlour for refreshments and cakes.

On Thursday 29th June, the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership Board in Sutton invited young people to present their findings.

On Thursday 15th June, the first Sutton Youth Board meeting took place, bringing together a diverse and representative group of young people from Sutton.

Young people have always been a catalyst for change and progress, and in Sutton, the power of young people is truly making a difference.

The Joint Sutton School Councils meeting took place on the 29th March and the theme of the meeting was on personal safety.

The Young Commissioners were delighted to have been invited to attend the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) Meeting on Political Literacy.

The Young Commissioners have created a social media campaign to raise awareness of the issues.

Sutton’s Race Equality Conference took place on Thursday 9th February, hosted by Community Action Sutton. The Young Commissioners were delighted to have been asked to attend to find out more.

Navani, one of the Young Commissioners, will be writing regular blogs on what they get up to in their fornightly meetings

White Ribbon Day was on 25th November this year and marked the beginning of 16 Days of Action against gender-based violence.

Our Young Commissioners met ahead of London Voter Registration Week 2022 to brainstorm messages that they want to share with young people

Sutton’s Young Commissioners were delighted to welcome over 50 people (of which 35 were young people) to their Youth Voice Summit on Thursday 22nd September at Sutton Library

Volunteer Centre Sutton is delighted to announce that the charity has achieved the London Youth UK Youth Bronze Quality Mark Award for 2022 to 2025.

Our Young Commissioners help shape Healthwatch Sutton's recent survey into young people and mental health