Their activities range from purchasing specialist equipment to support deaf children, to running BSL (British Sign Language) sessions, and organising group activities for deaf people of all ages, and of course, fundraising to support this all. The Dreaming Tree Project is run entirely by volunteers and they are always looking for more people to be involved.
This Volunteers’ Week, The Dreaming Tree Project would like to thank Bambina, who has volunteered with the project since the very beginning.
Bambina is the parent of a child with Down's syndrome and is also a teaching assistant who has worked with many children with special needs. She learned Signalong to support her son and then decided to start learning BSL (British Sign Language) in 2012 and is currently working towards a Level 3 qualification.
As a volunteer with The Dreaming Tree Project, Bambina helps run their Deaf Family Fun Days and the Sutton Over 60's Tea Club.
Bambina told us "Working with the Deaf community really helps with my BSL training as I can immerse myself in Deaf culture and understand their point of view. I've learnt so much, especially that they can lead a very isolated life. I wanted to help them to integrate and communicate."
This VolunteersWeek, Penny Smart, founder of the project, would like to thank Bambina:
"Thank you for your continued support from the beginning. I couldn't have done it without you!"
If you would like to find out more about volunteering with The Dreaming Tree Project, you can email them at