MAPS Mentoring: How mentoring transformed Sadie's life after domestic violence

Mentoring transformed Sadie's life, helping her overcome trauma, improve school attendance, and build a more hopeful future free from the cycle of domestic violence. Read Sadie's story.

MAPS Domestic Violence Sadie

50% of the young people we work with come from backgrounds marred by domestic violence. Sadie’s story is a powerful example of how mentoring can change the course of a young life.

Sadie was only seven when her mother fled the family home to escape domestic abuse. Left behind, Sadie’s life spiralled into chaos—bullying, self-harm, and anxiety became her norm. By the time she was referred to us by Children's Services, Sadie hadn’t attended school consistently in over two years, her attendance plummeting below 30%. Her future looked bleak, and fears of her becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) were very real.

Sadie had one hope: to regain her lost confidence through mentoring. She needed someone who wouldn’t give up on her, someone who could help her navigate the scars left by years of trauma.

We matched Sadie with a gentle, patient mentor who shared her love of cooking and had a background in education. From their first meeting, the connection was strong. Sadie finally had a safe space to talk about her fears, her past, and her dreams without fear of judgment.

Over the year, Sadie’s transformation was remarkable. Her mentor’s unwavering support helped her unpack the trauma that had fuelled her anti-social behaviour and anxiety. Together, they explored what healthy relationships look like, how to stay safe, and strategies for managing her newly diagnosed ADHD.

By the end of the mentoring relationship, Sadie’s life was on a different path. Her involvement in anti-social behaviour had decreased, her school attendance was improving, and she felt less anxious about the future. School staff noticed significant improvements in her behaviour and attitude.

Sadie is now back in full-time education, with renewed confidence and a brighter outlook. Thanks to mentoring, the fear that she would become NEET has faded—replaced by hope and potential.

Sadie’s story is just one of many. For young people like her, mentoring isn’t just support; it’s a chance to break free from the cycle of violence and build a future full of possibilities.

Interested in volunteering with MAPS Mentoring? Please give us your details here and one of the team will be in touch soon.