Community Volunteer Squad: Superstar Mark does a good deed!

Local Heroes Transform Lives with Community Volunteer Squad

August 9th 2023

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, the Volunteer Centre Sutton's Community Volunteer Squad continues to make a lasting impact on the lives of local residents. This initiative, designed to assist individuals with tasks they can't manage on their own, is turning ordinary people into extraordinary local heroes.

Squad hedge Mark

Today, we shine a spotlight on Mark, one such remarkable volunteer who embodies the spirit of compassion and support. Mark dedicated his time and effort to help Jennie and Roger, both elderly individuals with reduced mobility, by tackling a challenging gardening task. With unwavering dedication, Mark skillfully trimmed and shaped two sprawling 60-foot privet hedges that framed the garden. Additionally, he tended to a smaller hedge at the front of the house.


Squad Hedge Before


Squad Hedge After 2

The transformation was not just in the appearance of the garden, but also in the lives of Jennie and Roger. The burdensome worry of maintaining their outdoor space has been lifted, replaced by the joy of being able to fully enjoy their garden and the beautiful view it offers. Mark's selfless act of kindness has undoubtedly made a profound difference in their lives.

Big thanks to Megan and the team at Age UK Sutton for referring this task to our team!

Age UK sutton logo

If you're inspired by Mark's story and want to contribute to your community, consider joining the Community Volunteer Squad. Whether you're a seasoned do-gooder or someone looking to lend a helping hand for the first time, your involvement can create ripples of positive change.

To learn more about the Community Volunteer Squad or to join this force for good, reach out to Jane Cochrane at You can also find more information on their official website:

Let's continue to celebrate these unsung local heroes who are making our community a better place, one act of kindness at a time.