Community volunteer squad to the rescue!

Volunteer Centre Sutton's newest project: The Community Volunteer Squad is helping vulnerable residents across the borough.

Our new community project partners with select organisations, including all the organisations that are part of Together for Sutton group such as Citizens Advice Bureau and Age UK Sutton. It has been running since May, where local volunteers join our designated WhatsApp group ready for action!

We’ve been helping local vulnerable residents who need help with a wide range of one-off tasks including: DIY, gardening, driving, clearance, and more.

Three superheroes to highlight amongst the Squad are Steve, Mitesh and Emre.

Steve kindly assisted Sue, a neighbour in need, to take down a wardrobe. She was “absolutely delighted” by such “a very nice chap” helping her.

Squad Superhero Steve 6x4

Mitesh started to clear an allotment for another neighbour, Margaret, who was recently widowed and the allotment was her husband’s pride and joy. It needs a little more TLC before it is complete, it’s a great start!

Squad allotment

Emre helped Robert, a gentleman with limited mobility. He brought some joy to Robert’s life by moving his treasured collection of cap badge medals. They were in his hallway where he couldn’t see them, and so Emre simply moved them to a spot where he could enjoy them every day!

Squad Robert after photo

If you would like to help a neighbour in need, we are looking for more helpful volunteers to donate a few hours whenever you can. Click here for more information.