Celebrating Sutton’s Diversity: how Sutton’s young people are learning about diversity and making Sutton a safer, more inclusive place to live

Take our survey by Thursday 15th August and help the Young Commissioners learn more about what makes Sutton diverse, how we can help everyone feel better included and and how we can celebrate our diversity.

Celebrating Sutton's Diversity survey call out squareVolunteer Centre Sutton’s Young Commissioners, a diverse group of 12-18 year olds from schools across the borough, are leading an exciting summer project to help improve community safety by challenging intolerance, encouraging inclusion and celebrating diversity. 

The Young Commissioners have designed a short and simple survey targeting organisations and communities from across Sutton to learn more about what makes Sutton diverse, and what message those communities would like to share about how we can work together better and celebrate our diversity. 

Take our survey

This survey is being shared with residents, organisations, groups, clubs and societies that represent and celebrate diversity of culture, ethnicity, neurodiversity, physical ability, sensory abilities, ages, genders, sexualities, and anyone else we aren’t aware of yet! 

With these results, the Young Commissioners will collate and analyse the information to create a short summary of findings and a guidance document for Sutton’s businesses, schools, organisations and public about how to help everyone feel better included and celebrate our diversity.

This project is part of Sutton Council’s “Safer Sutton for All” programme of work, commissioned by Sutton Council and delivered by Innovation Unit, that aims to bring young people together to improve feelings of safety in Sutton.

Safety is one of the three key priorities identified by Sutton’s young people, along with mental health and equality, and the Young Commissioners have been instrumental in identifying these priorities, following extensive activities, workshops, and surveys to better understand the challenges faced by young people in Sutton.

Young Commissioners LSCP meeting June 2024Young Commissioners safety workshop with Innovation Unit May 2024

For the past two years, the Young Commissioners have been invited to the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Board in Sutton to present their findings and recommendations on the three priority areas, including safety.

The Young Commissioners participated in a shorter safety workshop facilitated by Innovation Unit in May 2024. Then, in June 2024 they took part in a follow up full day design workshop, where insights about young people’s perceptions of safety in Sutton were shared, and a final shortlist of four insights to focus on were chosen.

Each of the four shortlisted insights will be ‘owned’ by a host organisation, to co-create a solution: 

  1. A network of safe spaces after school – Led by Be Inspired
  2. Improve street infrastructure – Led by the Police Cadets
  3. Early help that prevents violence – Led by Our Pain to Power
  4. Celebrating Sutton’s Diversity – Led by Volunteer Centre Sutton's Young Commissioners 

As one of the host organisations, Volunteer Centre Sutton and the Young Commissioners have been working extremely hard (even during exam season!) to get this project off the ground. In addition to discussing safety at the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) Board in June, a group of them presented the "Celebrating Sutton's Diversity" project at the Fairness Commission on 10th July, and at the Sutton Youth Board meeting on 18th July.Young Commissioners Innovation Unit safety design day workshop June 2024

Young Commissioners Fairness Commission July 2024

The Young Commissioners are co-designing a logo of “Celebrating Sutton’s Diversity” for organisations and events to use proudly to demonstrate their commitment to celebrating Sutton’s diversity. 

And the exciting culmination of this project will be piloting a “Celebrating Sutton’s Diversity” event for young people, by giving this as the theme to this year’s Sutton Youth Summit on Thursday 10th October.

We would like to thank and congratulate all our Young Commissioners on their incredible passion and professionalism throughout this project so far! We cannot wait to see your plans unfold over the coming months! 

Please support our Young Commissioners and this project by sharing and completing the survey, telling us about any groups that you think would be good for us to approach, and let us know if you would like to invite the Young Commissioners to your business or organisation to talk about the project. And last but not least, please SAVE THE DATE for the Sutton Youth Summit on Thursday 10th October 2024!

Contact: youngcommissioners@vcsutton.org.uk