Sutton Befrienders were back in YourspaceSutton wonderful surroundings for another summer picnic this July. It was the hottest day of the year so far and we were very grateful for the shade of the trees and umbrellas.
We hosted over 80 people made up of Sutton Befrienders group members and befriending pairs. For background music, we used one of the playlists from our much-loved Music and Movement exercise groups.
We were also delighted to be supported by three of Sutton’s Young Commissioners. They were a fantastic help; keeping our guests hydrated, well fed and in good spirits helping draw from the raffle.
Guests told us how much they appreciated this:
“It was a great success, we enjoyed it very much, the food and drinks just kept coming.”
It was lovely to watch conversations between the different generations taking place. One guest shared this with us:
“I ended up chatting to a gorgeous young girl who volunteers as a Young Commissioner. She was only 17 years old but spoke so beautifully and maturely. She seemed so interested in my life It really made me feel seen and heard. She gave a great impression of youths of today and it was lovely to see the youngsters working so hard!’
Our thanks also to Demi from Veolia volunteering with us for the day. Her expertise in recycling and waste clearance ensured the clear up operation ran very smoothly!