Building better lives through volunteering

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Some of our projects

Latest news and stories

Take our survey by Thursday 15th August and help the Young Commissioners learn more about what makes Sutton diverse, how we can help everyone feel better included and and how we can celebrate our diversity.

26% of residents who have undergone a free health and wellbeing check have been revealed to have high blood pressure. Anyone showing a high reading is immediately referred for medical attention through a robust follow-up process.

Young Commissioners explored wellbeing through art and nature, learning about Sutton’s "Landscape Artist of the Year" competition and practicing the "5 Ways to Wellbeing" during stressful exam season.

Over 70 people attended a community picnic at Hill House on Saturday 22nd June where we warmly welcomed families from the Ukraine, Hong Kong and Afghanistan communities in Sutton.

Marking one year of our Volunteer Story of the Month feature, we talk to Peter Struik “serial volunteer” extraordinaire, Chair of Sutton Soup, and active volunteer with EcoLocal, amongst many others!

Huge congratulations to our Jack Petchey Award winners - We are grateful to Jack Petchey Foundation for their support and are sad to hear of his passing.